We continue raising awareness - Social Media Competition to end social injustice
Please share this initiative with other students and young professionals.
The winner will be based on popularity, likes. and shares.
Use #USAforUN #BLM #blacklivesmatter #UN #unitednations
Tag us @unaocc.
Please send your entry to: and
Prize: $150
Goal: Develop a Media campaign to educate and end social injustice.
On February 1960, four young African American students from North Carolina walked into Woolworth’s in Greensboro and staged a sit-in at its “whites only” lunch counter. Every day for six months these students returned to the lunch counter and over time, their numbers grew. The Greensboro sit-in soon inspired similar nonviolent protest across the south and eventually forced Woolworth’s and other establishments to change their segregationist policies. Evidently, there is no age limit for social change. There are many ways young people can participate in combatting racism and injustice.For instance, young people can educate one another, run for student office, advocate for legislation, engage in community service, launch a public awareness campaign that includes social media, etc. The possibilities are endless! The future lies within the hands of our youth.
Be creative!
Raise your voice! create a social media artifact that tells the truth about social
injustice and racism. For our purposes, a “Social Media Artifact” may include an original image, infographic, meme, GIF, short video, post with links to websites, YouTube, Tik Tok, etc. and should be aimed at a specific audience with the goal of abolishing injustice and racism. The idea is to prevent violence and be creative when raising our voices and concerns.
All SM Artifacts must be original. Using quotes, facts, original footage, data, etc. Allsources must be properly cited, and you must create a new, original design or way of presenting the information. Re-posting or simply copying an image does not count.
Please consider:
- Identify a specific audience that the post is aimed at influencing.
- Determine the outcome you desire – chain of acts, go viral, policy change…
- Decide how the SM artifact can lead to further action (ie. call a hotline, research, buy fair trade, etc)
Any photographs of people must be used with proper permission, as well as respect and consideration of the identity of the person represented, in light of the sensitive topic. (E.g. an image of a person should not be used without their permission, or represented in a negative, disempowered way, stock photos must be paid for, and original photos must have the written consent of the model). Please use a waiver if you need any consent.
A copy of the Social Media Artifact should be sent and selennavillanueva@gmail.comand posted on social media platforms.
SM Artifacts will be judged/graded based on:
- Potential impact on vulnerable or influential audience.
- Creativity, Appeal, and Style.
- Authenticity and accurate portrayal of the issue as we know it.
Regional competition sponsored by the United Nations Association of Orange County.
Judges: TBD
Selenna Villanueva was a former intern at UNA-Orange County Chapter. She graduated from UCI and majored in International Relations. Following her graduation from UCI, she remained a member of UNA-OC. She is very interested in social and global issues and hopes to make a change regarding police abolition.
Isabel Treidl