More information coming soon!
Check back later for updated information on our Young Professionals program!
Meet UNA-OC Young Professionals
Internship (Applications are closed till August 2019)
“UNA Young Professionals are committed to fostering international cooperation and community education on international affairs. Young Professionals group works locally throughout the United States to promote and implement educational projects, advocate for a strong US-UN relationship, and participate in professional development opportunities.” (UNA-USA YP)
We are enthusiastically recruiting YP members, and are seeking energetic and motivated young people to share our passion for international affairs through UNA involvement, career development, and social gatherings in Orange County, CA. (UNA-OC YP)
Are you under 26 years old? Your Membership is FREE
Activate your free Youth Membership
Are you between ages 25-40? Become a Member, select UNA Young Professionals
and Orange County Chapter in Membership Details
We encourage all those interested to attend our Events, Member and Young Professionals meetings in order to learn more about how the UNA-OC functions and how you can get involved in our wonderful Chapter. (Time and locations vary)
Please, feel free to contact YP Director for more information regarding the UNA-OC and Young Professionals Affinity Group.
We would love to hear from you!
YP Director Isabel Treidl: